Korean War Collection Second to None chosen by IBPW as their book club selection for 2007
Released on = November 16, 2006, 7:46 am
Press Release Author = Eaglesnest Pubications
Industry = Education
Press Release Summary = Barbara Ann Derksen, author of 15 books, will showcase Second to None, Warrior Voices, her latest release, voted the Best Non-Fiction Book for 2006, at the May get-together in Des Moines for the Iowa Federation of Business and Professional Women (IBPW). This book contains first person accounts of the Korean combat experience of veterans from the SECOND INFANTRY DIVISION of the Army. Division members also served in WWI and WWII and are still serving in South Korea, Iraq, and Fort Lewis today.
Press Release Body = To launch her new book, Barbara Ann offers consumers who purchase her books from her website: FREE - one children's CD when you purchase a copy of Mind Trap, Second to None or Dance With a Broom.
A much sought after motivational speaker, author Barbara Ann began writing and speaking around the country 20 years ago. She served as a journalist for a variety of newspapers for 8 years with over 2500 articles published in those papers as well as some international magazines. She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, and Christian Writers Fellowship International. Her agent, Joyce Hart of Hartline Literary Agency is currently handling her latest book With Warped Certainty, the first of a murder trilogy and a devotional for bikers, Straight Pipes.
Her other accomplishments include Mind Trap, a murder mystery; Dance With A Broom, household management guide for busy parents; Trumpeter Swan Adventures, a series of six stories depicting the early lifestyle of Trumpeter Swans and their natural predators; and Shih-Tzu Puppy Adventures, a six story series about a puppy family who loose their mother five days after birth. The children's stories are being enjoyed by children aged 2 on up.
Reviews - Second to None:
This is an interesting and unusual book which gives a unique and very personal look at the Korean War. What makes this book different from most of this genre is the intimate and personal quality of each individual story. Each narration focuses on one or two specific events of combat or related events and is told in the first-person without embellishment. In fact, the self deprecating humor and complete honesty of these soldiers as they tell their often horrific stories gives richness to the text that is refreshing and extremely interesting to read. Colonel Larry Mayes USAF Retired
Second to None is an excellent book showcasing the integrity, the sacrifice, and the emotions of our soldiers as they served and defended the rights of the USA in the war in Korea. If you like/love history, if you know a soldier, if you are indifferent to our soldiers who are giving their lives for our freedom, you need to read this book. Jennifer McLeMore, writer
Review copies of Second To None and Mind Trap can be obtained by contacting the Promotional Services Department of Authorhouse at 1-888-280-7715 or email your request to bkorders@authorhouse.com. Additional information about Barbara Ann can be found at www.barbaraannderksen.com. or about HC Derksen at www. hcderksen.com. -30-
Web Site = http://ww.barbaraannderksen.com
Contact Details = Eaglesnest Publications 106 Leander St, #40, Alta,Iowa, 51002 712-200-9255 barbd@ncn.net
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